From the very beginning, as a company, we pride ourselves on honest conduct with an emphasis on transparency and in accordance with the law and ethical standards, both internally within the company and towards our candidates, clients, suppliers, and other interested parties.
We strongly oppose any unlawful activities and, in the interest of an open corporate culture, we offer our employees and other business partners the opportunity to 'blow the whistle' on any illegal or immoral activities through the Nenech to být platform. Our priority is to create an environment where people can report their suspicions of a criminal offense, wrongdoing, or other harmful behavior without fear of retaliation, and with the assurance that their report will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate measures will be taken to rectify any issues.
Further details regarding the guidelines for reporting unlawful activities according to the Whistleblower Protection Act, the acceptance and assessment of such reports, as well as ensuring remedies and maintaining a record of the resolution of reports can be found by GoodCall employees and staff in the company's internal policy ‘Řešení oznámení společnosti’.
You can submit a report through the form at the following link, under the category ‘I suspect illegal conduct’:
Facilitator: Linda Čeřovská (linda.cerovska@goodcall.eu, +420 603 400 491)